Dissertation Award Ceremony

Wednesday, September 25
16:30 - 17:15

The Academy of Sociology is proud to highlight an outstanding dissertation submitted in 2017 and 2018 which contributes to the discipline in terms of originality of research, stringent argumentation, transparency of results, and the scientific and societal (if applicable) impact. The committee received 14 excellent dissertation theses from 12 universities.

Hanno Kruse (University of Cologne) is the first AS dissertation award winner. He started his study (BA in economics) at Humboldt University Berlin, earned a Master degree at University of Mannheim (sociology) where he received his doctoral degree in 2017. His dissertation thesis has the title “Close Neighbors, Separate Lives. An Investigation of Residential Barriers and Bridges to the Social Integration of Young Immigrants in Germany”. Hanno Kruse’s research interests cover migration and integration, segregation, school choice, social networks, and analytical sociology. He already published with coauthors in Social Networks and European Sociological Review. Papers in the American Journal of Sociology and Social Forces will appear soon. Hanno Kruse is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychological at the University of Cologne.

Anette Fasang (Humboldt University) and Sebastian Schnettler (University of Oldenburg) have organized the award process and will disclose the award-winning dissertation. Finally, Hanno Kruse will have the floor to present thoughts and insights in his talk "Residential Barriers and Bridges to the Social Integration of Young Immigrants in Germany".

AS Business Meeting

Wednesday, September 25
17:30 - 19:30

According to its statute, the Academy of Sociology holds its biannual business meeting on the occasion of the conference. Among other topics on the agenda: a report about first (baby) years’ activities, the election of the board, and a revision of the mission statement. Although it could be considered as members’ business only, AS welcomes interested guests, particularly members to-be.

Early Career Researcher Reception (ECRR)

Wednesday, September 25
Constanzer Wirtshaus

Conferences are ideal for networking, at least what many colleagues strive for. Digitalsocieties2019 stimulates real F2F contacts among conference participants. All attendees are invited to join for a buffet meal at Constanzer Wirtshaus downtown, and early career researchers get one drink for free. This is why the general welcome becomes a ECRR! Elephant Talk, a local jazz combo, will provide the entertainment.

Presentation Open Science Initiative

Thursday, September 26
18:15 - 19:15

The Academy of Sociology aims to foster Open Science practices in the social sciences. In this discussion we will take stock on the challenges that are still ahead: particularly fostering FAIR data, research transparency, and replications. We will analyze why and to what extent current incentive structures in academia block the principles of transparent and reproducible research, and we will discuss institutional changes that may be necessary to promote Open Science practices. The goal is to identify and stimulate activities that advance the credibility of social science research. Organization: AS board members Katrin Auspurg and Josef Brüderl (LMU Munich)

Conference Dinner

Thursday, September 26
il Boccone

The conference dinner at an Italian restaurant can be booked separately during registration for 50€. Meal options are meat, fish, vegetarian or vegan.