09:00 - 10:30 | Reputation and Open Peer Production on Digital Platforms Chair: Andreas Jungherr - Wojtek Przepiorka
University of Utrecht (NL) Invited Speaker The Effectiveness of Online Reputation Systems to Promote Social and Economic Exchange - Achim Edelmann, Rudolf Farys
Bern University Discrimination on Social Trading Platforms - Lea Stahel
University of Zurich "Shaming Divides": How Capital-Rich Public Figures are Aggressively Shamed by Their Audiences - Juergen Lerner¹, Alessandro Lomi²
¹University of Konstanz; ²University of Lugano The Liability of Balance in Open Peer-Production | A702 |
09:00 - 10:30 | Network Mechanisms Chair: Ulrik Brandes - Markus Strohmaier
RWTH Aachen and GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Invited Speaker Modeling of Minorities in Social Networks - Johannes Weyer
TU Dortmund Governance in the Digital Age. Combining Insights From Analytical Sociology and Agent-Based Modelling - Christoph Spörlein¹, Elmar Schlüter2, Pamina Noack¹
1University of Bamberg, 2University of Gießen Ethnic Insults in YouTube Comments: Social Contagion and Selection Effects During the German Immigration Crisis - Malte Doehne, Katja Rost
University of Zurich Network Mechanisms of Localized Knowledge Spillovers in the Geography of Innovation | A703 |
09:00 - 10:30 | Labor Market and Digitalization I Chair: Thomas Hinz - Anja-Kristin Abendroth, Martin Diewald, Mareike Reimann
Bielefeld University How Digitalized is Work in Large German Workplaces, and how is Digitalized Work Perceived by Workers? New Insights In the Digitalization of Work - Sophia Zimmermann
University of Konstanz Digital Fluency - a Key Competence to Perform in the Digital Age? - Philipp Brandt
University of Mannheim The Data Scientist Role: Professional Identity Construction in the Digital Age | A704 |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee Break | |
11:00 - 12:30 | Open Session on Inequality and Education Chair: Claudia Diehl - Pia Blossfeld
Universitity of Leipzig Social Origin and the Long-Term Changes in the Transitions Between the Academic and Non-Academic Educational Tracks After the First Educational Degree: Implications for the German Vocational Training System - Felix Bittmann, Steffen Schindler
University of Bamberg Alternative Routes to Higher Education Eligibility in Germany – Diversion, Inclusion, Equalisation? - Christoph Müller
Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Vocational Retraining in the Context of Technological Change and Social Inequality - Clemens Ohlert
Office of the Minimum Wage Commission Decline of Collective Bargaining, the Introduction of a General Minimum Wage and the Distribution of Hourly Wages, 2010-2014 | |
| Terrorism and Social Media Chair: Karsten Donnay - Christian Czymara, Alexander Schmidt-Catran
Goethe University Frankfurt Islamist Terrorism, Online Media and Support for Refugees in Germany - Christof Nägel¹, Mark Lutter²
¹German Police University, ²University of Wuppertal The Christmas Market Attack in Berlin and Attitudes Toward Refugees: A Natural Experiment with Data from the European Social Survey - Fabian Winter, Amalia Alvarez-Benjumea
Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods The Breakdown of Anti-Racist Norms: A Natural Experiment on Normative Uncertainty after Terrorist Attacks - Malte Reichelt
NYUAD Terrorist Events, Media Coverage and Their Effects on Labor Market Segregation in Germany | A703 |
11:00 - 12:30 | Labor Market and Digitalization II Chair: Thomas Hinz - Anita Tisch, Sophie-Charlotte Meyer
Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Work Intensification and Digitalisation of Work - Michael Otto, Andreas Damelang
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg Who is Hit by Automation Technology? - Testing Skill Inequality and Occupational Inequality with German Robot Data - Simon Walo
University of Zurich Skills, Automation, and Occupational Change | A704 |
12:30 - 13:30 | Lunch Break | K7 |
13:30 - 14:30 | Poster Session - Emily Bello-Pardo1, Carly Knight2, Jeff Lockhart3, Stan Oklobdzija4, iacopo Pozzana5, Martijn Schoonvelde6, Carsten Schwemmer7
1American University, 2New York University, 3University of Michigan, 4University of California San Diego, 5Birkbeck, University of London, 6University College Dublin, 7University of Bamberg Potentials and Biases of Image Recognition Algorithms (1) - Dirk Betz1, Claudia Biniossek1, Hermann Helke2
1GESIS, 2University of Vienna x-hub Project: Transdisciplinary Reuse of Experimental Data (2) - Claudia Biniossek1, Dirk Betz1, Hermann Helke2
1GESIS, 2University of Vienna x-science Repository Service for Different Types of Sociological Experiments (3) - Matthias Collischon
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Personality Traits as a Partial Explanation for Gender Wage Gaps and Glass Ceilings (4) - Freya Gassmann¹, Janina Beck², Nora Gourmelon², Zinaida Benenson²
¹Saarland University, ²University of Erlangen-Nuremberg What is More Valuable: Confidentiality or Availability of Data? Work in Process on an Online Experiment Using Willingness to Pay in a Ransomware Scenario to Examine Users’ Valuation of Their Data (5) - Elisa Gensler, Anja Abendroth
Bielefeld University Digitalised Regulation and Control and the Implications for Work Autonomy (6) - Zbignev Gricevic
HU Berlin Segregation and Charitable Giving (7) - Hermann Helke
University of Vienna Communication Structures vs. Contextual Vocabulary of Shared Generic Terms (8) - Per Kropp, Katharina Dengler
Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Social Consequences of the Digital Transformation of Occupations (9) - Aleksandra Urman, Mykola Makhortykh
University of Bern, University of Amsterdam Webs of Deception: Detecting and Measuring the Diffusion of Online Disinformation During the Elections in Ukraine (10) - Ramona Martins, Daniel Degen
University of Education Luzern Innovation Transfer in Vocational and Educational Training (VET) System Switzerland (11) - Ingrid Stöhr, Corinna Krämer
Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi) School Performance: Does Distance to School Matter? (12) - Sandra Walzenbach¹, Annette Jäckle¹, Jon Burton¹, Mick P. Couper², Tom Crossley¹
¹University of Essex, ²University of Michigan Foot-in-the-Door or Door-in-the-Face? A Survey Experiment on Multiple Requests for Consent to Data Linkage (13) - Sebastian Weingartner
University of Zürich Is Television Dead? The Digital Divide and Omnivorous Film Consumption (14) - Fabienne Wöhner, Sebastian Mader
University of Bern Digitalization and the Labour Market: Home Office and Flextime Usage in International Comparison (15) | A6 |
14:30 - 16:00 | Open Session on Social Inequality Chair: Cornelia Kristen - Holger Lengfeld, Stephanie Pravemann, Katharina Müller
University of Leipzig The German Middle Class: the Sensitive Center of Society? - Andreas Eberl
IAB Nuremberg Who Cares about Social Capital? The Effect of Informal Caregiving on Social Capital Investments - Anna-Theresa Saile¹, Susanne Strauß¹, Andreas Haupt²
¹University of Konstanz, ²KIT Karlsruhe Explaining Women’s Increasing Contribution to the Couple Income. The Case of East and West Germany 1976-2011 - Ariane Bertogg, Susanne Strauß
University of Konstanz How Couples’ Division of Labour Influences Their Caregiving Activities – a European Comparison Among the 50+ Population | A702 |
14:30 - 16:00 | Opinion Formation Chair: Andreas Jungherr - Michael Maes
University of Groningen (NL) Invited Speaker Do Filter Bubbles Foster Opinion Polarization? What We Know and What We Need to Know to Answer this Question - Susumu Shikano1, Theresa Kuentzler1, Taehee Kim2
1University of Konstanz, 2University of Oldenbourg A Paradox of Digital Innovation in Political Participation: Emerging new Digital Divides - Kieran Mepham, András Vörös, Christoph Stadtfeld
ETH Zurich The Joint Dynamics of Social Networks and Political Opinions: A Bipartite Network Approach - Amalia Alvarez-Benjumea, Fabian Winter, Nan Zhang
Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods Tracking the Trump Effect: A Long-Term Study of How Political Campaigns Change the Unsayable | A703 |
14:30 - 16:00 | Labor Market and Digitalization III Chair: Thomas Hinz - Matthias Dütsch
Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health The Effect of Wage Shocks on Automatable Jobs. Evidence from the Introduction of the German Minimum Wage - Myriam Baum, Felix Lukowski
Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) Work in the Digital Age: More Complexity, More Training? Firm-Level Evidence from Germany - Anja-Kristin Abendroth
Bielefeld University Digitalized Work as a Status Characteristic? Investigating the Implications of Digitalized Work for Claims Making for Career Advancement Among Different Groups of Workers in Large German Workplaces - Hilke Brockmann, John Torpey, Wiebke Drews
European University Institute A Class for Itself? On the Worldviews of the New Tech Elite | A704 |
16:00 - 16:30 | Coffee Break | |
16:30 - 18:00 | Mixed Methods and Data Quality Chair: Karsten Donnay - Jana Diesner
University of Illinois (USA) Invited Speaker Impact of Human Decision Making on Social Computing Research - Christoph Beuthner¹, Bernd Weiß¹, Florian Keusch², Henning Silber¹
¹GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, ² University of Mannheim Linking Digital Data to Survey Data – Respondents Willingness to Consent and the Potential of Facebook Data - Jan Rasmus Riebling¹, Andreas Schmitz², Jörg Blasius²
¹University of Wuppertal, ²University of Bonn Data Quality of Process-Generated Data - Elad Ben Elul
Tel Aviv University, Israel The Privacy Settings of the House and the Architecture of Social Networks: A Case Study from Urban Ghana | A702 |
16:30 - 18:00 | Political Sociology Chair: Sebastian Schnettler - Philipp Lutscher
University of Konstanz Digital Responses to Sanctions? Denial-of-Service Attacks against Sender Countries - Vincenz Frey¹, Delia Baldassarri², Francesco Billari¹
¹Bocconi University, ²New York University Internet Access and Participation: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment - Katrin Paula
University of Mannheim Sometimes less is more: Censorship, News Falsification, and Disapproval in 1989 East Germany - Simon Kühne, Dorian Tsolak
Bielefeld University Welfare State Support and Stereotypes Towards Recipients | A703 |
16:30 - 18:00 | Environmental Applications of Digital Data Chair: Thomas Wöhler - Tobias Rüttenauer
TU Kaiserslautern/University of Oxford Using Large Scale Register Based Data to Analyse Environmental Inequality: Different Measures, Different Scales - Same Results? - Valentina Rotondi¹, Ridhi Kashyap², Luca Maria Pesando³, Simone Spinelli¹, Francesco C. Billari¹
¹Bocconi University, ²Oxford University, ³University of Pennsylvania Leveraging Mobile Phones to Attain Sustainable Development - Axel Franzen, Fabienne Wöhner
University of Bern The Impacts of the Digitalization of the Labour Market on Commuting Behaviour in Switzerland: Evidence from the Swiss Mobility and Transport Microcensus - Marco Hellmann, Jan Schlüter
TU Dortmund Data-Driven Coordination Between Human Driver and Partially Automated Car. Measurement Challenges of Human-Machine-Interaction | A704 |
18:15 - 19:15 | Presentation Open Science Initiative | A701 |
20:00 - 22:00 | Conference Dinner | il Boccone |