Invited Speaker: Claudia Wagner

Claudia Wagner is an expert on using computational methods to investigate social constructs. In her talk, she will focus on the persistence of gender inequality on Wikipedia as well as the methodological challenges of measuring that.

We are glad to present our next invited speaker, Prof. Dr. Claudia Wagner. She is Interim Director of the Computational Social Science Department at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences as well as Professor for Data Science at the University Koblenz-Landau.

At Digital Societies 2019, where she will talk about the Digital Manifestations of Gender Bias. Contemporary and historic gender inequalities and bias manifest on the web. Measuring these biases and inequalities is important since we need to raise awareness and avoid that algorithms reinforce biases and inequalities. This talk is firstly about measuring the manifestations of gender bias and inequality in a widely used online information system (Wikipedia) and secondly about measuring one root of the problem, sexist attitudes. I will describe the methodological challenge we face when trying to measure psychological or sociological constructs like attitudes based on platform-generated digital traces of humans.

Listen to her talk on Friday, September 27, at 09:30 in the Gender and Ethnic Biases Session in A701.